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Players, referee and officials of the veteran category |
The 2015’s Annual Sports Festival of Oinam was organized by Oinam Sports Association (O.S.A) from 5th to 9th March. This is the third consecutive time the association has been organizing the event since 2013. With an intention to cover all the leikais of Oinam this year’s football tournament was held at Oinam Maning Leikai’s Ishat Lampak. Though termed as a festival with multiple sporting disciplines the event was more of a football oriented with a total of twelve teams taking part at the Oinam only competition. All participants are exclusively restricted to the electorates of Oinam alone.
Participating teams includes Irabot
Celebration Committee Oinam (I.C.C), Fireball, Real Oinam F.C,
Yaoshang Sports F.C, Jadubi Team, Red Gin F.C, Youth
Affairs & Sports Association Oinam (Y.A.S.A.O), Lamdaibung Youth
Club Oinam (L.Y.C.O), Tangleipung Semgatpa Naharol Lup Oinam
(T.S.N.L.O), Ereima Youth Club (E.Y.C), Wills Killers and Educated
Unemployed Transport Owners & Drivers Association (E.U.T.O.D.A). In
that five-day-tournament the teams competed in both league and knock-out
The tournament started on 5th
March and only two matches were conducted on Day One. Day Two was the most
hectic day for the organizers as they had to conduct ten matches on the day so
that the tournament gets completed as scheduled on 9th. It was planned that the
day’s matches will be played at Ishat Lampak, the venue of the
tournament and at Oinam Kangjeibung to completely unlock the day’s ten
matches. But only the host venue was used. It was the well crafted effort and
strength of the organizers and the cooperation of the participating teams that
the day’s goal was achieved. The league matches ended on Day Two.
Eight teams went through quarters (K.O Round).
Those teams who went through were T.S.N.O, R.O.F.C, Y.S.F.C, Y.A.S.A.O,
R.G.F.C, E.Y.C, Jadubi Team and Wills Killer. It was a crucial a.w.s
fun to watch these teams fight to step into semis. As usual we could see the
community boyhood quarrels and argument among the teams. But at the end of the
day they all ended with fun, jokes, gossips and laughter, a moment to cherish
for. Those were the best moments of the tournament as they want their teams to
win and get through to the next level. You could see sons competing against
their dads, brothers against brothers and friends against friends but all under
the mutual spirit of the game.
Day - 4 began with a taste of veteran
matches. As a part of the veteran competition four teams were registered. Teams
who played at the veteran category were the Tangleipung Semgatpa Naharol Lup
Oinam’s Team-A and Team-B, Ereima Youth Club (E.Y.C) and Super Veteran
Oinam (S.V.O). But the matches were marked as warm up matches as there were
only four teams competing at the veteran category. The organizers decided to
cut short their competition through semis directly. Later at the day semi final
matches of the main tournament were held. The first semi-final was played
between Wills Killer and Yaoshang Sports F.C in which the later
won the match. In the second semi-final E.Y.C outplayed Y.A.S.A.O to
make it to final.
Day - 5 was the final day of the
tournament and the whole morning session of the day was reserved for women and
children. U.K.C.C.L, one of the premier organizations of Oinam organized the
event. Various traditional sports and fun games were conducted. Traditional
sports like Laphu Kabi and Hawai Maru Khunbi were done for the kids along with
games like spot quiz, 50 meter race, marathon, etc. Marathon was conducted for
both women and children.
Later semi final matches for the veterans
were conducted. With a mutual agreement among the participating teams Super
Veteran Oinam decided to play against T.S.N.L.O – (A) and T.S.N.L.O – (B)
to met E.Y.C again. The opponents in these matches were the same who met each
other on Day – 4’s warm – up matches. Than at the semis it was a scene of
surprise to all the fans and supporters. Super Veteran Oinam defeated T.S.N.L.O
– (A) in a tie break and T.S.N.L.O – (B) beat E.Y.C again. Meeting T.S.N.L.O –
(B) at the final Super Veteran Oinam came out winner and turns the whole table
to them. Super Veteran Oinam was the winner of the veteran category.
And at the main final match of the open
category Yaoshang Sports F.C defeated Ereima Youth Club bringing the
tournament to a close. Prizes were distributed just after the match with Yaoshang
Sports F.C taking away the highest worth of reward.
Highest honor of appreciation goes to Mr.
Naorem Ranjit Singh and Mr. Sorensangbam Surjit Singh of Oinam Awang
Leikai who conducted all the matches of the tournament as the centre referee. Others
who inevitably contributed their skills, time and support in organizing the
tournament are Mr. Oinam Budhi Singh (Chairperson - Oinam Nagar
Panchayat), Mr. Longjam Baleshor Singh (International Referee -
Volleyball Federation of India), Mr. Waikhom Kunjo Singh of Oinam Mamang
Leikei and Mr. Oinam Yaiskul Singh (Advisor - U.K.C.C.L).
It was the planning and effort of the
organizing team who brought this edition of the Annual Sports Festival to
a highly valued event in the future causes of development in Oinam. One of the
eye witness result of this event is the creation of a new playground at Oinam Mamang
Leikai named Ibudhou Tangleibung Lampak. The tournament brought about
the unification of various organization and groups of Oinam. The organizing
team includes Lukhendro Keisham (Gen. Secretary, O.S.A), Priyojit
Konthoujam (Games & Sports Secretary, O.S.A), Samananda Oinam (Information
& Publicity Secretary, O.S.A), Baodhon Oinam (Member, O.S.A), Shanta Oinam (Member,
O.S.A) and Mutum Kumar Singh (Member, O.S.A).
One thing leads to another. To activate
and unified all the clubs, organizations, groups and individuals of Oinam into
one exclusive unit was the next targeted task if Oinam Sports Association
after this Annual Sports Festival. Members of the association believe that
development and growth of the town lies on the peaceful co-existence of all the
Oinamchas through sharing of mutual skills and understandings.
5th to 9th MARCH, 2015
Organised by:
Organising Team:
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