Welcome to Lukhendro Keisham's Blog

Blessed are not the child with silver spoons but with the grace of making it better. Curse are not the one with half meal a day but with the disgrace of making it worse. Success and failure happens to both, we are all the same, only a different package we comes in.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

As My Shadow Burns

As my shadow burns,
Betrayal all around,
No memories to hold on,
Forgiveness being shattered.

The day you stepped in that manhole,
Know that you are drown.
Say no mistake until you reach,
The other end of the tunnel.

You got him standing,
But you never find him killing.
Far from the view we see,
He watch them fall by itself.

Aint no regret nor surrender,
A lifetime of crime we do.
The bridge won't hold strong enough,
As your shadow burns


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