Welcome to Lukhendro Keisham's Blog

Blessed are not the child with silver spoons but with the grace of making it better. Curse are not the one with half meal a day but with the disgrace of making it worse. Success and failure happens to both, we are all the same, only a different package we comes in.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Effects & Therapy On Illicit Drug Use (a drug awareness event)

         After almost two months of discussion, survey and research we finally took the decision to organise this awareness session on 22nd Februaey, 2020. A bunch of women folks and people in my neighbourhood trying to educate the youth and their families towards illicit drug use.

         We the people and Meira Paibi of Oinam Mamang Leikai in association with District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (Bishnupur) organised a one day awareness session on narcotic drug use and its effect to personal health, family and the society titled, "Effects & Therapy On Illicit Drug Use" on 22nd February, 2020 at Oinam Mamang Leikai's Chigonglei Makhong Community Shed of Bishnupur District, 3:00 pm.

        Targeted towards local youth and their families the awareness session was planned on the rise of substance users and even death among youths of Oinam. Though unofficially, in recent years, there had been three incidents of individual death in Oinam related to drug overdose. On the day various experts in the field of illicit drug use and related were invited to share their knowledge and experiences.

         Mr. Ratankumar Oinam (Vice Chairperson of Oinam Municipal Council & Councillor of OMC Ward No. 7) presided the event followed by Madam Thounaojam Brinda (Additional Suprintendent of Police, Narcotic and Affairs of Border, Govt. of Manipur), Dr. Raichandra Singh (District AIDS Control Officer, Bishnupur), Mr. Indra Wayengbam (Counselor, New Birth Foundation, Thoubal) and Mr. Devdas Ningthouja (Second Officer - In - Charge, Nambol Police Station) as invited speakers. More than 300 people attainded the event during a head count.

          On research and data collected through it sources and various activities a list of 31 active drug users were catagorised. But as a whole there are more than 100 individuals in Oinam who had the history of regular drug use in past. Name and details were not disclosed and remain concealed with core members of the people and Meira Paibi of Oinam Mamang Leikai.


          1. On 31st Dec. 2019 a youth from Oinam Mamang Leikai was reported death at Community Health Centre Nambol due to substance overdose. On public knowledge the boy was acompanied by his friends who did the drug together and the ones who brought him to the hospital. In the hospital he was decleared brought dead.

          2. On 1st Jan., 2020 the women folks or Meira Paibi of Oinam Mamang Leikai spearheaded and called for an emergency meeting to discuss the incident and take up necessary steps to prevent from such incidents in future. A resolution to form an adhoc committee which includes the Meira Paibi of Oinam Mamang Leikai along with local youth was taken.

          i) A committee was formed to tackle substance user among the people of Oinam Mamang Leikai especially the youth and families who are already into drugs.

          ii) Decided to list out drug users in Oinam in a week's time.

          iii) Approach the families of drug users and discuss the means to help their children come out of drug abuse without opening up to general public.

          iv) Take the users for councelling, keep them at rehabilitation centers if required and provide drug therapy through proper channels. While all expanses are to be incurred by families of the drug users.

          v) Meet the doctors at Public Health Centre Oinam and take guidelines.

          vi) To organise an awareness event at Oinam Mamang Leikai with help from law and enforcement authorities, medical and social experts.

          3. After a week the committee through its sources came up with a list of drug users in Oinam. A list contain 31 names of active users. While in all there are more than 100 individuals with the history of using illicit drug in Oinam alone. It was also brough forward that the users are all in their youth. While they use their parents money to buy the substances many of them earn from daily wages which is why they don't depand on theor parent's money. Some of them even has wife and kids.

          4. The committee approached Dr. Kiran at Public Health Centre Oinam and discussed the matter. Under his guidance we approach Dr. Raichandra, District AIDS Control Officer of Bishnupur.

          5. On meeting Dr. Raichandra, District AIDS Control Officer at his office cabin he shared his knowledge and experiences on drug abuse to the committee members who visited him. He shared a brief idea about its chemical states, derivatives, prevention & therapy, present cases and guidelines on how to rehabilitate the users.

          6. Few days later two youths from Oinam Mamang Leikai were caught by the committee members on the information of a reliable source. On questioning (non lethel) both the youth accepted that they did drugs on the day through smoke.

          7. On another incident at Oinam Ushakhangdabi Leikai a group of drug peddlers were nab by the committee members with security personals from CDO (Commando) posted at Mandha Ching. The culprits were later released with warning as they had already destroyed the drugs (powder) on seeing the police. Syrings and other materials were recovered from their possession.

          8. Few committee members met the parents of some of the substance users and inform them of their children. Guided them on how to keep their children away from illicit substance. Some of them had already started acting on the guidelines. Non of the personal details of drug users were disclosed to the public including the parents whom the committee met.

          9. After a thorough observation and multiple discussions the committee decided to organised an awaeness event on drug abuse and its consequences. The event will be a self sponsoring by people of Oinam Mamang Leikai through door - to - door financial contribution.

          10. The Meira Paibi took the responsibility for door - to - door financial collection from every households of Oinam Mamang Leikai. While the supporting male members took charge of organising the awareness event which includes contacting the experts, printing, invitations, publicity, refreshment arrangements, etc.

          11. On 19th February, 2020 the committee fixed 22nd February, 2020 as the date for awareness event titled, "EFFECTS & THERAPY ON ILLICIT DRUG USE".


- Lukhendro Keisham
- Bopson Oinam
- Samananda Oinam
- Sanjoy Waikhom
- Subol Oinam

- Romita Mutum
- Bino Tongbram
- Nanao Oinam


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