Welcome to Lukhendro Keisham's Blog

Blessed are not the child with silver spoons but with the grace of making it better. Curse are not the one with half meal a day but with the disgrace of making it worse. Success and failure happens to both, we are all the same, only a different package we comes in.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Forshaking glory like the past,
Melting milieu in my eyes.
Torn from the fist,ripped by the beast,
Brand made by cold mind.

Whom do you know the leader is,
Far behind the trek.
Come beat me if you can,
I'm the man with The Last Stand.

The ray that burns my shoulder,
The soldiers running for beholder.
Insanity when you whisper,
My faith for salvation.

There is a hole in the sun,
No freedom nor salvation.
The land of thousand's birth,
The death of an ending.

As they crawl in my eyes,
To blow my head in black.
No matter how you fling,
My child shell survive.

The king is born again,
A jerk against jeopardize the system.
Come beat me if you can,
I'm the man with The Last Stand.

Like a stone,in a scarlet sky,
Don't cry for me,
Coz I'm The Last One Standing.


'The king is born again,
A jerk against jeopardize the system'
...preTTy cool one..

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